Lisa was the Lead Program Executive for NASA’s Mars Exploration Program. She is expert in tech...
Twenty years experience in hands-on operational excellence, strategy execution, supply chain optim...
Michael is a specialist in space, satellite and systems domains working with the US Department of De...
Wolfgang was formerly Managing Director of EADS Airbus – Germany; Senior VP Airbus Industries...
Ben has been at the fore of UK and international defence as both a practitioner and consultant for 2...
David was the former Engineering & Operations Director for Messier-Dowty’s UK, France and...
Dain is a former Head of Air Engineering Support at the UK’s Navy Command Headquarters. He has ove...
Jens has over 40 years experience in Aerospace Design Engineering & Technology Development. A fo...
A former, Chief Executive of the UK’s Defence Aviation Repair Agency (DARA) and the Naval Aircraft...
Andrew specialises in commercial and defence Aerospace and Marine Propulsion Systems. Formerly Rolls...
Ryan a Product Development and Project Management Consultant has over 20 years of fixed & rotary...
A highly experienced Project Manager and Project Planner supervising delivery of a diverse range of...
Richard has over 30 years experience in Aerospace Operations and Engineering. A former senior execut...
With over 20 years of Programme Management, Engineering and Certification experience in the aerospac...