Coming in 2022 – we will be assisting clients in airport planning and development operations, critical systems, asset management, operations and maintenance.

Delivering turnkey solutions

Enhancing operations

We look at the entire value stream, capital, operational and running costs over an aiport operation and its assets’ life-cycles. Our experts have the deep knowledge, industry insights and ability to deliver leap changes in your performance. We can assist you with making the right decisions and improvements to your operation.

Creating value

We assist clients with developing and implementing their strategic development vision for their airport, establishing governance and organisational structures, environmental and social policies. Combined with our airport and airline operations know-how we’re able to deliver value added solutions to almost any challenge.

Hawksland has a clear view on how aerospace businesses work, are results driven and will deliver! They have a great network and can put a dedicated team of specialists together on short notice. It was a pleasure working with them.

Leon de ScheperStrategic Sourcing DirectorStork B.V.