Hawksland have worked with many of the world's leading OEM's, Sub-TIer, Private Equity and Government organisations. Some of our clients have been kind enough to endorse our work and ability to deliver results.

“Hawksland Associates have worked with us on a variety of assignments over the last 15 years. Whether we need to improve performance, reduce costs, have a complex programme to manage or resolve a difficult situation, they always deliver.”

Hans BuethkerPresidentFokker Technologies

Hawksland Associates are proven experts in aerospace and defence. They deliver excellent results at great value.

Dr Jens FranzeckVice President A400MAirbus Group

Hawksland deliver professional solutions that fit. They have provied high calibre Program Management expertise into critical roles, supporting effective delivery and execution of key global projects.

Gary PooleVice President ProgrammesFokker Technologies

When I joined Alcoa after leaving Airbus and had a need for known experts in Aerospace program management, manufacturing technologies and operations, I called Hawksland immediately. Once again they did not disappoint.

Jens HinrichsenDirector of Advanced Materials Technology GroupAlcoa

If you need help in aerospace supply chains, ask Hawksland Associates. They know how to deliver results and can readily mobilise many high quality associates from their global network.

Toine VerbruggenVP ProcurementGKN - Fokker

Hawksland Associates management skill and expertise was highly appreciated during several attachments. I can recommend their work and in particular their Managing Director – Gary Windas as a person with vast sector knowledge, high integrity and spirit.

Thomas MaissDirector of ProcurementRolls-Royce Deutschland

Hawksland were engaged several times by our company. I was impressed with their drive, determination, assertion tool knowledge and their very structured way of working. They far exceeded their targets.

Horst SchoettnerHead of Product ManagementPFW Aerospace AG

Excellent Senior Executives and Managers of the highest standards! They work to tight deadlines and always deliver excellent results.

Nigel GarnerManaging DirectorGCT

We engaged Hawksland because they convinced us they could manage a complex weight reduction, integration and certification program. I am pleased to recommend and thank them for their dedication in completing their assignment within a very tight timescale.

Jens HinrichsenA380 VTP Program DirectorAirbus Group

Hawksland’s network in the aerospace industry is second to none. Give them an issue and they will know the right person to work it through and advise.

Dr David WoodEngineering DirectorMessier-Dowty - SAFRAN

“Hawksland have huge drive, combined with strong and detailed knowledge of the aerospace industry. They’re strategically strong and results driven.”

Wim JagtenbergDirector of ProcurementFokker Aerostructures BV.

Impressive background in the Aviation industry with an incisive view of supply chain challenges and solutions. Hawksland have a keen eye for results and, with a well-developed global network, there are always options and a fresh angle of approach. They build teams around a clear understanding of the challenge and a commitment to deliver value beyond the brief.

Robert BellChief ExecutiveArchomai

Hawksland have a level of aerospace expertise that is quite extraordinary. They not only deliver on every project, they also go the extra mile on every occasion. Superb Programme Managers and negotiators. They form strong relationships throughout organisations engendering confidence and trust.

Paul ElliottManaging DirectorPE Consultancy Ltd.

Engaged to Programme Direct the A350 XWB Programme, Hawksland were highly professional and capable in setting up and managing programme in a very complex environment. A joy to work with and will always deliver results and happy customers.

Jaap VonkProcurement DirectorFokker Technologies

Hawksland Associates are extremely good in setting up the right organisation to run very complex projects. They can perform very detailed and in-depth studies and analysis arriving at very worthwhile recommendations.

Jan-Willem GunninkPresidentGTM Advanced Structures

Hawksland has a clear view on how aerospace businesses work, are results driven and will deliver! They have a great network and can put a dedicated team of specialists together on short notice. It was a pleasure working with them.

Leon de ScheperStrategic Sourcing DirectorStork B.V.

I worked with Gary Windas – Hawksland’s MD in the early stages of his career. It was clear even then that he was a highly motivated, enthusiastic individual with a real thirst for knowledge in the industry. Highly recommended.

Ian EtheringtonProject Director at BAE Systems Military Air and InformationBAE Systems

Highly experienced professionals. Hawksland Associates provide great value in business execution issues. Reporting and presentation capabilities are top class

Thomas RubbensVice President ProcurementStork B.V.