

Hawksland Programme Manages low weight solution for the A380 aircraft

Hawksland Associates has completed an assignment with the leading Aircraft OEM – Airbus, being responsible for the Programme Management and introduction of a new material technology for aerostructure leading edge applications.

Hawksland Associates, led by Gary Windas has successfully managed the introduction of a new material technology for leading edge applications with its client – a major Aircraft OEM. Experiencing high weight problems with its existing VTP and HTP aerostructure leading edge design configuration, the client was looking for a lower weight alternative.

Hawksland’s existing client, a leading 1st-tier aerostructures company specialised in a new fibre metal laminate material technology called ‘Glare’ which for certain applications is a lower weight alternative to monolithic alloys and composites while also providing high fatigue and damage tolerance properties. With this technology, Hawksland’s 1st-tier client was able to offer a solution to the Aircraft OEM’s weight issues.

With its existing experience in the development of ‘Glare’, Hawksland were ideally placed to support both its existing client ‘propose’ the ‘Glare’ solution and also manage the introduction of the new material for the new application. Appointed by the Aircraft OEM, Hawksland Associates worked closely with the OEM and 1st-tier clients teams and Programme Managed the introduction of ‘Glare’ for the leading edge VTP and HTP applications on the OEM clients new aircraft programme. Responsibities included: design engineering; first-article development; retrofit emodiment in the existing programme, supply chain management and establishment of the bird-strike test certification requirements.

Project Testimonials

Hawksland Associates are extremely good in setting up the right organisation to run very complex projects. They can perform very detailed and in-depth studies and analysis arriving at very worthwhile recommendations.

Jan-Willem GunninkPresidentGTM Advanced Structures

Hawksland has a clear view on how aerospace businesses work, are results driven and will deliver! They have a great network and can put a dedicated team of specialists together on short notice. It was a pleasure working with them.

Leon de ScheperStrategic Sourcing DirectorStork B.V.

If you need help in aerospace supply chains, ask Hawksland Associates. They know how to deliver results and can readily mobilise many high quality associates from their global network.

Toine VerbruggenVP ProcurementGKN - Fokker